Apteryx XrayVision - User Interface - Training Tutorial
In this video you will learn about the basics of the Apteryx XrayVision User Interface.
Training Information
Difficulty: Beginner Video Time: 5:02 In this video I’m going to show you the basics of the Apteryx XrayVision User Interface.
More Training and Resources
The Apteryx XrayVision uses a standard Windows application interface. It is designed to provide as much screen “real estate” as possible for capturing, manipulating and enhancing images.
Let’s highlight some of the important areas your will be using on a day-to-day basis.
This is your Main Menu here. This is the main navigation menu for everything you can do inside of XrayVision.
This is your toolbar here. The toolbar is retrofitted with the more frequently used options. Each operatory in a dental practice can have their own set of commonly used options setup on the toolbar. We will cover customizing your toolbar and toolbox in a later video.
Note: To accommodate user preferences, users can switch between multiple button sizes. The larger sizes contain text descriptions of the functions associated with each button. To switch the toolbar size, select Tools > Toolbar/Toolbox Button sizes to select a size.
This is your XrayVision Desktop. The desktop is where images are displayed when they are being viewed or captured from an external source such as sensors, scanners, etc.
These are your Pop-out bars. The Pop-out bars provide easy access to a range of commonly used features and functions on the right-hand side of the screen. To expand or collapse any of the toolbar modules, simply click on their associated icon in the bar.
This is your Toolbox. The toolbox control should be thought of as a cross between the standard menu and the toolbar. When opened, various buttons are displayed enabling users to quickly access and execute the related feature/function. Like stated before, if the toolbox is not in 'locked' mode it can be customized to display the desired toolbox option.
This is your Open Patients. The patient control can be used to quickly switch between the various open patients that are currently in the application. To switch to another patient simply click on the patient's name in the pop-up control.
This is your Teeth Selection Tab. The tool selection control gives users the option to choose one or more teeth and view ALL of the images related to the selection. Users can switch between adult and deciduous tooth formats by right-clicking on the pop-out window.
This is your Real Time Brightness and Contrast Controls Tab. The Brightness/Contrast control offers a real-time B/C adjustment tool that can be utilized for diagnostics in real-time without having to modify the original image.
This is your Calibration Tab. The Calibration control window allows users to store calibration factors from image measurement. Calibration factors can be stored as quick calibrations, which are manually applied to other images, or as an auto-calibration, which means it is automatically applied to images that match the dimensions of the original calibrated image.
This is your Status Bar. The status bar displays information about the current state of the program.
Inside the Status Bar, you have your Tools Tips and Status Indicators. This field is displayed at the left of the status bar. It provides a description of the operation associated with the toolbar or toolbox button that the cursor is currently hovering over. It also provides the current status of an operation.
The Real-Time Filter Indicator is displayed as a colored bar on the right side of the status bar to indicate whether or not a real-time filter is enabled. Left clicking on the bar allows the user to change which filter is enabled, turn the filter off, or adjust filter options. More information on Real Time Filters will be covered in a later video.
The Patient Indicator displays the patient that the user is currently working with. If more than one patient record is open, the user can left click on the indicator to change to a different patient.
The current magnification indicator displays the magnification of the image currently being viewed.
The notes indicator appears in black when notes are associated with an image (otherwise it is grayed out). To access the notes (or edit the notes) of an image, you can click on this indicator with the mouse button.
The modified indicator displays the magnification of the image currently being viewed.
The HID Indicator Allows the user to hide and unhide labels by left clicking on the indicator.