Apteryx XrayVision 4
The Future Of Dental Imaging
Apteryx XrayVision 4 will capture, enhance and display all of your dental images with an easy to use interface.
The Best Sensor Meets The Best Software
Superior Integration
The Apex Sensors were designed to take full Advantage of the Apteryx XrayVision Software. Upon installation of your Apteryx XrayVision Software and Apex Dental Sensors, they will be working in tandem with each other. You can rest assured you are getting the best image quality with the Apteryx XrayVision Software and Apex Dental Sensors.
Easy to learn. Easy to use.
With Apteryx XrayVision 4, it’s easy to find, view, and do just about everything. The simple user interface allows you to just about any task in just a few clicks. The Toolbar lets you launch common task with a click. Launchpad gives you quick access to a wide range of tools.
Full Dental X-Ray Support
Take X-Rays in Seconds
Apteryx XrayVison has direct capture from Apex Dental Sensors as well as a range of other digital x-ray sensors and diagnostic/enhancement tools.
Have another sensor? Not a problem! Apteryx XrayVison supports a wide range of industry standard devices which can be combined from different manufacturers.
X-rays can be automatically mounted into templates which are easily customized to fit your practice. Templates maintain examination dates, tooth numbers and notations associated with each x-ray.
See a list of dental equipment that works with Apteryx XrayVision here
Every Tool For The Job.
Meet The Toolbox!
The Toolbox displays various buttons that enable you to quickly access and execute related functions. The Toolbox is fully customizable. Use a certain tool frequently? Just add it to your Toolbox in just a few clicks.
Tools You Will Use. Tools You Will Love.
Apteryx XrayVision comes equipped with many different tools you can use. Easily make add annotations, arrows, magnify and enhance your x-rays with just a few clicks.
Amazing Filters.
Turn your x-rays into something more with Apteryx Filters.
Your Data Everywhere
Multi-User Support
Apteryx XrayVision can support multiple computers on your computer network. Images are stored on a central server and can be accessed from different locations simultaneously. Print, scan, email, display anywhere in your office.
Apteryx XrayVision uses peer-to-peer networking or virtual terminals to share images. The number of users is only limited by your network configuration.
Apteryx XrayVision is Compatible!
Bridges Seamlessly
The Apteryx XrayVision NameGrabber links Apteryx XrayVision to many popular Practice Management Systems. This bridge allows you to open a patients chart in your Practice Management System and access all of their images with one mouse click.
The Apteryx Namegrabber supports most of the popular Practice Management Systems in the industry and can be customized to adapt to your system as required.
See a list of management systems we bridge to here
Apteryx XrayVision Technical Support
1-Year of Support Free
When you purchase any configuration of Apteryx XrayVision , you will receive a one year support contract which includes web-based training for each module, telephone support and software upgrades. Web-based training is available at your convenience.
All you need is broadband cable or DSL service and a telephone.
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